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Check-Host.net is an online tool for checking availability of websites, servers, hosts and IP addresses. It provides domain and IP address location data from a few geolocation IP databases and whois as well.

IP Info helps to know geolocation data of IP address or hostname: country, region, city, ZIP/postal code, time zone, local time, IP range, ISP, organization.
Ping allows to test the reachability of a host, to measure network latency and packets loss from different servers in the world.
HTTP is for checking website's response performance and availability from many countries and datacenters.
DNS is for retrieving A, AAAA and PTR records with TTL (time-to-live) from nameservers around the world for checking updates on DNS servers.
TCP port checks the possibility of a TCP connection to host's specified port.
UDP port checks the possibility of a communication over UDP protocol using host's specified port.
Subnet calculator converts IP address range to CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) and vice versa - CIDR to IP address range.
Live server terminal is a real server (Linux or Windows) with enabled network with an access over web for diagnostic or testing purposes.
API - documentation for API to build own monitoring solution
FAQ - answers to questions about the website usage and options.
Latest news
CloudFlare CDN geolocation information for "IP info" page for your IP address. See how your location looks like for websites behind CloudFlare CDN (based on CloudFlare's CF-IPCountry header): https://check-host.net/me
New useful free tool: Live server terminal, for diagnostic and testing purposes. Demo video .
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